Thursday, February 15, 2007

When Showers Involved Soap

February 15, 2007

Some things I noticed a while ago, and some inspired by yesterday. So, other than the "obvious" ones like "You're always the third wheel", here we go...

Top 10 Signs that You're Single

  1. You are thoroughly excited about the new "Anti-Valentine's Day" greeting card section at Target. You then think to yourself "someone should get me this card."
  2. The only Valentine's Day card you do buy is for your parents. And they don't stock that many of those, so when you shop with a friend, you buy the same one she did.
  3. You don't find baby stuff cute. You don't "ooh" or "aah" when you walk past the section in my obviously favorite store "Target" but you react to it the same way you react to said "VDAY" section.
  4. "Lean Cuisine" is your idea of cooking dinner.
  5. You only unlock half your car with your clicky thing, leaving the rare passenger to bang on the window as a reminder that you have to let them in too.
  6. You have the supernatural ability to carry all of your groceries in only one trip.
  7. One bed pillow is much more flattened than the other.
  8. You think a shower is when you stand under water and get clean. Not where you sit around in a skirt with flowers and pink everywhere, and watch someone else open all the things you can't afford to buy for yourself.
  9. You feel like all of your married friends are really just playing "house."
  10. You write blogs like these.


Anonymous said...

Well, some of these are not fool proof because as a non-single gal I can agree with most of these. I do NOT find baby stuff at Target cute -- it is just a reminder for me to take my birth control pill. I am always being yelled at for only unlocking my passenger door. And let me tell you I can carry up to 20 bags in one trip from my car to the kitchen!

And don't worry, had I seen that section at Target, I would have gotten you one. :)

lbk said...

I only wish I could carry all the grocery bags myself, because sister, being married does not mean he's married to me at the grocery store or on the trip from my car to the house as I struggle and drop microwave meals on the icy pavement.

Anonymous said...

A fine list! Keep it circulating. The best is "You have the supernatural ability to carry all of your groceries in only one trip" cause I know. I have carried like 15 bags in at once. The question maybe then is why is one person buying 15 bags of groceries just for himself? Oh, yes, I cut coupons -- yet another sign of singlehood.

Anonymous said...

(Just so you're not wondering who wrote that last thing, it was me.) --E. Kestler