Friday, February 16, 2007

The Way I See It #3

February 16, 2007

A serious "The way I see it..."

People give up on relationships too easily lately. Take it from the isn't easy to find in the first place. So when you hear about the ridiculously increased divorce rate, the separations, the infidelity, you have to wonder "why." People should realize the marriage isn't a feeling, it's a decision. And that decision should mean that you are also deciding that in 5 or 10 or 50 years, when the "feeling" is gone, your decision is still forever.

And a lighter one...

There are 52 states and a million words that you can name something. Sushi rolls need to be the same everywhere. Everything really. Meatloaf is meatloaf, right? It doesn't come out a chicken. But in sushi world, a New York roll can be anywhere from salmon skin to a salmon/apple/cream sauce medley. Why should a Rainbow roll alternate fish from sushi bar to sushi bar? Philadelphia roll and Bagel roll...could be the same thing, but i can't guarantee it! Call one a Kansas roll and we'll call it a day.

Thursday, February 15, 2007

When Showers Involved Soap

February 15, 2007

Some things I noticed a while ago, and some inspired by yesterday. So, other than the "obvious" ones like "You're always the third wheel", here we go...

Top 10 Signs that You're Single

  1. You are thoroughly excited about the new "Anti-Valentine's Day" greeting card section at Target. You then think to yourself "someone should get me this card."
  2. The only Valentine's Day card you do buy is for your parents. And they don't stock that many of those, so when you shop with a friend, you buy the same one she did.
  3. You don't find baby stuff cute. You don't "ooh" or "aah" when you walk past the section in my obviously favorite store "Target" but you react to it the same way you react to said "VDAY" section.
  4. "Lean Cuisine" is your idea of cooking dinner.
  5. You only unlock half your car with your clicky thing, leaving the rare passenger to bang on the window as a reminder that you have to let them in too.
  6. You have the supernatural ability to carry all of your groceries in only one trip.
  7. One bed pillow is much more flattened than the other.
  8. You think a shower is when you stand under water and get clean. Not where you sit around in a skirt with flowers and pink everywhere, and watch someone else open all the things you can't afford to buy for yourself.
  9. You feel like all of your married friends are really just playing "house."
  10. You write blogs like these.

Friday, February 9, 2007

The Way I See It #2

February 9, 2007

Continuing in my attempt to come up with a Starbucks cup-worthy submission...

The way I see it...the world is an unhappier place because our weekends are too short. With 71% devoted to the work week, it leaves only 29% for life outside of stress. Adding just one more day to the weekend takes you from this more than 2:1 ratio, to the 57/43% split. A more weekend'd week, a more peaceful world.

Thursday, February 8, 2007

I'm Sorry, What?

February 8, 2007

It's a little scary when you do things like brew coffee without the pot, stick your keys in the freezer, be involved in a conversation while hearing nothing that's being said, search everywhere for your sunglasses when the whole time you've had them on your head, can't find the pen you're holding in your hand, dial the wrong persons phone number, can't remember what you wore yesterday, accidentally call your friend by your dog's name, say things and realize that it didn't make any sense, type what you're saying instead of what you're thinking, get lost on a road you've driven a million times before, grab something bare-handed that you know is hot, forget the tune of your favorite song, drop something just because you forget you're holding it, walk into a wall, put something in a "secret" spot and then forget the secret, pour a packet of Equal into your hand instead of your coffee (this being the inspiration for this blog)...

I guess I don't really have anything more to say besides, at what point should you start to worry that you're actually losing you're mind? I have a feeling it has something to do with finding sugar substitute in the palm of your hand, but I can't be sure.

Friday, February 2, 2007

"The Way I See It" Friday

February 2, 2007

This was on my Starbucks cup today:

The Way I See It #160:
"Sixty-nine percent of all problems in relationships are unsolvable. They are about the differences in personality or needs. They never change. When you choose someone, you have inherited the problems you will have for the next 50 years. Unfortunately, we pick people who are not as perfect as we are, so relationships work if you have wound up with perpetual problems you can learn to live with." -Dr. John Gottman, author

Now, for my "the way I see it" of the day/week (we'll see how often I can come up with these)...

It's completely ridiculous that we devote a day to groundhogs. I mean, they really aren't something we should rely on for information of the future. And yet, we devote one day of the year to them, and each year, we tune in and 100% believe, without question, that they hold the answer. They can't even talk, and yet, we're going to trust Phil the GH, or whatever his name is, that winter is or isn't going to last another 6 weeks? I don't even listen to my mother when she tells me things she swears to know, yet I completely trust the shadow of a groundhog. Or, lack there of....

Not as profound as those published on Starbucks cups perhaps...