Friday, May 18, 2007

Someday I'll Understand

May 18, 2007

I've had a week full of internal questions. Maybe I surround myself with strange things...maybe I think too much. Either way, here are some things I will never understand.

I myself am an avid coin pincher. Maybe not when it comes to SOME things, but I certainly have my fare share of being cheap. For example, if the 60% off necklace at Target is still $8.00, I do not think this is a bargain. However, if it's $3, I'll buy it, even though I may not love it as much as the latter.

But today, I experienced a line even I wouldn't cross.

Scene: I'm 2nd to the head of the line-out-the-door at Subway attempting the purchase of my 6-inch turkey on wheat. I may as well have been last in a line of 42, because the two girls ahead of me were, well, slow.

Girl 1: "I see you have a footlong sub. Now if I purchase this, can I get half italian cold cut, and half pastrami?"

Subway man: "Yes we have a footlong sub."

Girl 2: "But can we get two halves?"

SM: "Not a footlong. We charge you more for two halves."

Girl 1 to Girl 2: "Ugh, should we get cold cut, or pastrami then?"

After a huge debate (approx. 2.7 minutes) the girls decided that girl 1 wins, and they ordered an italian cold cut. But of course, they each decorated their halves respectively, obviously confusing SG (subway girl) who was second in the assembley line behind the counter. And of course, this was obviously their first time at such a place, so the array of luxurious toppings really excited them.

All of this to save 25 cents. I toyed with the idea of handing them a quarter.


My morning drive includes a painful journey up St. Paul Street. With illegally parked cars, busses, and wretched pedestrians, it's a constant brake-riding experience, day after day.

Today however, was especially fun.

I got cut off by a biker. Not a motor biker. Just a man on his bicycle. Keep in mind that immediately to my right, and left, there is a wide, perfectly paved sidewalk, for him to venture down.

And of course, after he cuts me off, he travels at approximately 17 mph below the speed limit. Fantastic.


I'm not going to lie and say I haven't fallen victim to this. I won't even tell you that I don't frequently peruse,, and

But, there are other reasons besides total loserdom and sheer pleasure that I read this junk. For example, I totally knew the answer to the trivia question the other night...What is the name of Paris Hilton's dog? Duh. Tinkerbell. But in the last few days, I've seen actual headlines (not even just on these smut sites) that have really just made me realize that we live in a far from normal, and really just ridiculous world.

Here we go: Britney Chews Gum At Comeback Show
Wow! Really? But what kind of gum was it? "I don't know Bob, let's see if we can get a closer look...ah yes...based on the color, it appears to be..."



That's all for now. The rest of the world still makes sense I guess.