Tuesday, May 8, 2007

Million Dollar Idea

Innovation...shouldn't this lead to invention? I mean, if I can figure out how to hang a bulletin board at work with a simple paper clip/push pin combo (which by the way, I'm still owed $10 from a bet that I couldn't do it) why can' t I come up with a solution to an everyday problem?

Oprah had a search for the best idea last week. The audience voted on the top 5 or so inventions that she found 'round the states, and the winner gets set up with a QVC commercial slot, patenting, etc. The winner, a brilliant idea, was the Lock-N-Bake, a 13x9 inch pan with foldable removable sides. Scene: You bake a cake. You have to cut the first piece and get it out of the pan prettily. We all know that the first piece is NEVER the cute piece. So, imagine a world where you can take same 13x9 inch pan, and fold off/remove the sides, leaving you with cake on tray. Like I said, brilliant. She also demo'd with a lasagna, which I have my reservations about. How does the sauce, etc, not pour out of the sides when cutting if the dish is still hot? Even so, as I was watching this, I kept thinking to myself...ugh, why didn't I come up with that! In my head though, I came up with her winning slogan, "It's a piece of cake!" I know, I'm good.

A few years ago, I thought I'd hit it with the "heated ice scraper" idea. Sadly, my dream came crashing down when I was told I could already purchase this at Target. Then I thought, "Fine! I'll come up with something else." From there, I came up with the lipstick prep base. If they can make a base for eyeshadow to keep it on all day, why can't they make one for lips...why should I have to reapply liner stick and gloss with every sip of my coffee? So instead of finding a chemist and a lab to stir up a batch of my miracle cream, I just stopped wearing lip accesory altogether. Now though , you can purchase this very item at MAC. If you're interested, its called Prep & Prime Lip, and its amazing. After all, I knew it would be.


Chrissy said...

I want to come up with something too. Too bad someone already made the "head on" that I was thinking about and strange enough had the same commerical for it I was thinking about.

Anonymous said...

"It's a piece of cake" is a damn good slogan! You should be working in ad-based publishing or something.

Also, seriously, is lipstick or gloss or whatever really like that? Sounds terrifically annoying.

Mandie said...

Will you buy me one of those cake things? That really is ingenious. Although, I'm still not convinced on the lasagna.

Did you get your $10, yet?