Monday, November 26, 2007

Accidents, Dog's, and the Stupid Rule Book...

Apparently I don't blog anymore. I'm going to try to un-not blog, so just to catch up on some things I may have blogged about if I'd been blogging since the last entry, here's a few quick notes...

-On Halloween, my lucky day, I got into a 4 car accident on 83 on my way home from work. You know you live too close to your family when 5 minutes after pulling onto the shoulder in hyper-panic mode, you get a phone call from your aunt who just drove by you to see if you're ok. She's also calling to let you know that she's already informed my uncle, who's just 5 minutes behind her, to be ready to pull over in approximately 1.43 miles to assist. And don't worry, the unfortunate more than fender bender didn't mess up my plans of nothing for Halloween night.

-Never work in an industry where you may some day have to deal with people who do what you do. It simply makes you realize the actual extent of incompetence of people in this world.

And a few inspired by Thanksgiving dinner with the fam....we know this could be a blog entry in itself, but I'll spare you the obvious details of inappropriate dinner conversation, etc...

-When did my dog become cooler than me? I noticed at dinner the other night that my parents told 17 stories about a day in the life of Jersey. I only came up when the conversations switched over to the economy, and my mother used me as an example as someone who was struggling to make ends meet.

-My cousins (all between the ages of 7 and 17) skipped dessert to watch Grey's Anatomy. I think when I was 7, I watched the Smurfs, and the ultra-mature late night tv show, Full House. But I always found something else to do while my mother was watching Knot's Landing.

-I lost in Scrabble by 5. For the record I would just like to state that had we played with my rules, or, if my uncle hadn't snuck in at the last minute to help my grandmother use up all of her tiles right before my last turn when I was going to be able to use up the rest of my tiles, I would have won. By a landslide. The game would not even have been close. But I'm fine. Totally cool with coming in second. Second in a game that I should have won...

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

That Scrabble game would have burned my britches. I recall once playing Scrabble with my then mother-in-law, who invented perhaps a dozen rules on the spot and apparently did not know the difference between diagonal and horizontal. I tried to be polite, but she found rules for a game to be rude. Still, I played on, winning even. And she flipped the board and stormed off! We drove home that night a day early and it was tense for months. I think she got over it, but it is mentioned to this day.