Thursday, June 14, 2007

Mr. Clean Meets Mr. Mouse

While I'm on my usual and latest kick on how its expensive to survive...have you ever noticed how pricey it is to stay clean?

On a recent shopping trip to Target, I thought I'd stock up on some necessary household items. I was feeling a little crazy because a friend made me believe I had a mouse living under my refrigerator. Immediately turning into my mother, I decided a spring cleaning session was in order, thus my voyage to obtain some Mr. Clean.

I darted to the back of the store. Among aisles and aisles of disinfecting products, I felt like a maid in heaven. Who knew there were 4 different scents of the bald man's product? He also makes a mop, a sponge, and a wonderful little invention called the Magic Eraser. Feeling no need for this though, I picked up the original blue stuff you pour into the bucket, a spongy mop like situation, and carried on to my next venture.

In aisle two, I grabbed some colorful drop ins to make my toilet water pretty, refills for my disposable toilet scrubber, and a new dustpan. I know! How fun does this all sound?!

Then, while grabbing some last minute paper towels, an air freshener, and Electrasol dish washing fluid, I came across them...the mouse traps. The thought of a mouse had overtaken my brain and forced me to buy poison, glue traps, and a fancy little box cage contraption. Suddenly, I was no longer catching just a was out to catch the entire mouse population, and the dirty rat grandparents too.

So far though, I have no mouse. Oh, and no rats either. I just know they heard me coming with my battle equipment and so they scurried for the less prepared.

I think I'll call it the unavoidable cost of cleanliness...

Trip to Target...$100.13
Pest free environment with blue toilet bowl water...Priceless.


Mandie said...

The magic eraser is the best invention ever, you have to go back and splurge on it. It won't help with mice, but it will amaze you with its talent!

Anonymous said...

Rats are nice. The other night, my pals were sitting out on their stoop. I went home. Just after that, a rat ran across their feet.

Really, rodents are uncute rabbits. But kill them anyway.